Digital transformation towards achieving national vision 2030 and NTP 2020
The first step involved is defining a Digital Transformation Acceleration Model to serve as a guiding collaboration framework between the Kingdom and Cisco. The model prioritizes digitization acceleration initiatives within four main domains of execution:
Talent Development & Business Innovation
Digital Platforms for Socio-Economic Development
National Infrastructure
Talent Development & Business Innovation: this domain defines initiatives aimed at building and re-skilling national talent in the country, to be better prepared for jobs of the future. In addition, initiatives within this domain focus on enablement and stimulation of Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) in order to increase their contribution towards GDP and therefore increase jobs in the Kingdom in the immediate & long term.
Digital Platforms for Socio-Economic Development: this domain defines the Kingdom’s digitization pillars that will primarily drive socio-economic development within the Kingdom. These pillars cut across a wide range of government services including Education, Healthcare, Municipalities & City Planners, Haj & Umra, Energy, Industries, Minerals (EIM), Transportation, etc. Initiatives within these sectors will aim at increasing public sector efficiency and productivity, cutting costs, generating new revenue streams, and improving overall citizen experience. Three sectors have been prioritized for phase 1 of the program: healthcare, education and smart cities.
Ecosystem: enabling a digital economy and delivering large scale impact in the Kingdom requires working through a rich ecosystem of multiple stakeholders working together towards achieving specific national digitization programs. Therefore, this domain focuses on continuously building a wide ecosystem of industry local and global partners including independent software vendors (ISVs), technology partners, system integrators, service providers, consultants, and regulatory / policy makers. Cisco realizes that delivering large-scale impact in the Kingdom will require working through an ecosystem that includes local and global partners. We have identified an initial list of potential partners to work with, and this list will continue evolving as the program progresses.
National Infrastructure: a successful national digital transformation requires the availability of reliable foundational services. This domain defines initiatives aimed at building the underlying digital infrastructure for the Kingdom including cyber security, cloud services, and broadband / city WiFi.