Industry: Financial Services Region: EMEA Technology: Customer Care
A major European investment bank wanted its call center agents to reach out to customers to promote new service offerings.
The agents were told they needed to reach out to candidates who would likely give the new service a try. However, a major problem persisted: the agents had a restricted working knowledge of the people they were reaching out to. They had general information about the customer, but they lacked other important data, such as:
Cisco was tapped for advice on how to integrate these statistics into the bank’s proprietary, in-house contact center application. To begin, the Cisco CADI services team helped create custom gadgets for Finesse and supervisor desktops. They then programmed these gadgets to have bi-directional integration with the bank’s custom contact center application.
The project turned out to be a hit, as it improved cross-selling effectiveness among the agents by providing:
Armed with these new capabilities, the bank was able to generate additional revenue and increase other important statistics, such as customer satisfaction and net promoter score (NPS).