Rapid advances in technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are radically changing the way networks are deployed and operated. In turn, they're creating demand for new skillsets for networking professionals.
The network is the foundation of nearly every piece of every business today. Nearly all employees are online, on company-supported and their own devices. The equipment their businesses rely on is networked too, from basic production tools to advanced manufacturing robots. Even the physical devices that support them, like door locks and lighting switches, are online.
All these devices create data flows distributed among multiple connection types, and between different public and private clouds. To support this increasingly complex, connected infrastructure, the IT industry must change. The manual approach to managing networks cannot keep up. Automation and analytics tools must come together. When they do, businesses will have not just new tools to run their networks, but new foundations on which to build new services and products.
To help make sense of the converging changes in business and technology, we have created the 2020 Global Networking Trends Report. Its predictions and insights come from a new survey of over 2,000 Cisco customers, combined with data from our annual Visual Networking Index, reports from analysts, and interviews with our most experienced over-the-horizon thinkers.
Where will you be when the network transforms, and how can you get ready? Read the report to find out. Get the 2020 report
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