**Week 7**
Sales Connect: Cisco Threat Response Sales Connect: Security EA Cheat Sheet
For CTR: NGFW and Email customers who either have AMP for Email, AMP for Networks, AMP for Endpoints, Umbrella or ThreatGrid. All with 10K in security spend over the last 3 years
For EAs: Customers spending over 10K/yr in Security products and have at least 2 Security products.
“Hello, [Contact Name]. This is [Your Name] calling on behalf of Cisco. You likely know that the security threat landscape has become increasingly complex and threat actors out there are becoming increasingly sophisticated. In the face of these challenges, the threat impact is compounded by organizations having limited resources, staff, and time to even try to stitch together information from multiple security tools for investigation. There must be a faster, simpler way to get the deepest visibility into your environment. May I ask you a few questions?
Q: How confident are you in your SecOps team that they’re staying on top of security threats? A: Did you know 44% of alerts are not investigated? Alert fatigue is real – too much information makes it tough to zoom in on the most urgent, relevant alerts. But swift action against cyber-attacks is critical, and security teams are under immense pressure to respond and restore systems back to normal. Using Cisco Threat Response, you can triage, prioritize, and respond to the most urgent threats, all in a single interface.
Q: How much time do your security analysts spend pivoting between multiple security consoles to correlate threat data and investigate alerts? A: 46 % of companies have more than 11 security vendors. If you have unlimited staff and resources, it’s easy to manage a dozen or more vendors. But chances are, this isn’t the case. Investigating through these various interfaces with different workflows takes lots of time. Cisco Threat Response simplifies this by pulling in threat intelligence and integrates with Cisco Security products as well as your existing security tools to detect, investigate, and remediate threats. Skip all the manual effort that goes into investigating and respond to threats quickly, in a single console.
Q: How can you help your security team simplify and speed security operations functions? A: You can reduce the burden on your security team, saving them time and money, with an integrated architectural approach to your security stack, powered by Cisco Threat Response. In a single console, you can quickly get deep visibility into your environment and understand the threat impact so you can then take immediate action to protect your organization.
Q: How easily can you integrate current threat intelligence into your security products? How much is your access to threat intelligence costing you? A: Our secret sauce is the Talos™ threat research team. Talos ingests telemetry from the technologies in the Cisco security architecture and third-party sources, as well as from the security research from their team of roughly 300 threat researchers. All of their research is then pumped back into the architecture, completing a positive feedback loop. And how much does it cost to use Talos’ threat intelligence? Nothing! Cisco Threat Response has access to Talos intelligence at no additional cost.
Strategy questions
SecOps questions
Hello, [Contact Name]. This is [Your Name] calling from Cisco. You likely know that the security threat landscape has become increasingly complex and threat actors out there are becoming increasingly sophisticated. In the face of these challenges, the threat impact is compounded by organizations having limited resources, staff, and time to even try to stitch together information from multiple security tools for investigation. There must be a faster, simpler way to get the deepest visibility into your environment.
Can I have a few minutes of your time to tell you about how your peers have significantly accelerated yet simplified their threat investigations? [Wait for Response]
[NO] Is there a better time to call back? I’d love the chance to tell you how Cisco Threat Response automates integrations with the Cisco security portfolio to accelerate and simplify threat investigations. Best of all, it’s included FREE with the licenses of Cisco security products that it integrates with - AMP for Endpoints, Umbrella, Email Security, Threat Grid, and now also Cisco Firepower. Since you are entitled to Cisco Threat Response, you’ve got nothing to lose in giving it a try.
[YES] Great! Let’s talk more about how Cisco Threat Response automates integrations with the Cisco security portfolio to accelerate and simplify threat investigations and remediations. It can help you quickly find out how bad the threat is, whether or not it has affected your organization, and how. Best of all, it’s included FREE with the licenses of Cisco security products that it integrates with - AMP for Endpoints, Umbrella, Email Security, Threat Grid, and now also Cisco Firepower.
Q: How confident are you in your security team that they’re staying on top of security threats? A: Did you know 44% of alerts are not investigated? Alert fatigue is real – too much information makes it tough to zoom in on the most urgent, relevant alerts. But swift action against cyberattacks is critical, and security teams are under immense pressure to respond and restore systems back to normal. Using Cisco Threat Response, you can triage, prioritize, and respond to the most urgent threats, all in a single interface.
Q: I don’t have a sophisticated SOC. How complex is Threat Response? A: Cisco Threat Response is not only for large enterprises and SOCs with extensive SIEM deployments. Threat Response provides added value to any security tool currently deployed. It pulls in industry-leading threat intelligence and telemetry to accelerate key SecOps functions. Many of the investigations you can initiate in Threat Response can be conducted in just a few clicks.
Q: I have already deployed a SIEM and/or SOAR. Why do I need Threat Response? A: Cisco Threat Response is included at no additional charge with your existing Cisco security licenses, so there’s no strings attached with providing added enrichment and telemetry for more comprehensive incidence response. Also, the open APIs and our browser plug-ins enhance your existing SIEM and/or SOAR deployments for faster and more effective defense.
Q: I’m fine using a multi-console approach to investigations. A: It’s easy to get comfortable investigating the same way year after year. But with a widening attack surface, increasingly sophisticated threats, and alerts coming at you from left and right, inside and outside, you can’t afford to get complacent. Time to detection and remediation are critical. Threat Response helps you investigate threats in minutes instead of hours in a single console, pulling in threat intelligence and telemetry across integrated Cisco security products. This comprehensive, one-stop-shop experience means you can spend your work day on other high-priority or strategic projects.
Post 1: Join our 10/10 webinar to see how Cisco Threat Response works with Cisco Firepower, Umbrella, AMP for Endpoints, Threat Grid and Email Security for faster threat detection and response!
Post 2: Do you ever wish you could plow through the information you need to investigate threats faster? Do you ever wish you didn’t have to jump from console to console in order to investigate a single threat? If so, Cisco Threat Response might just be your answer. Join our webinar to learn more.
Post 3: Want to know why more than 5,000 companies believe #CiscoSecurity products and Cisco Threat Response are better together? Join our 10/10 webinar to see Threat Response in action and ask your questions about this exciting new solution.
Post 4: Cisco Threat Response automates integrations across #CiscoSecurity products and accelerates key security functions, so you can detect, investigate and remediate threats faster. Check it out and bring your questions to our webinar on 10/10. Register now!
ISDC template name: ThreatResponse_Intro_Webinar_Oct10
Subject Line: Do more with your existing resources Subject Line Alternative: Don’t try to clone your security team Wouldn’t it be great if you could clone your security team? You could detect, investigate and remediate threats faster – and stay ahead of threats!
Fortunately, you don’t have to. Cisco Threat Response accelerates key security operations functions -- detection, investigation, and remediation across your Cisco security products in a single place - allowing you to get more from your security resources, without cloning your team. And the best part is Threat Response is free. It’s included with the Cisco Security products that integrate with it: Umbrella, AMP for Endpoints, Email Security, Threat Grid, and now Firepower.
You can get more value from your Cisco Security investment when the products work together to save you time and effort.
CTA 1. Register for the October 10th webinar, “Cisco Security: Better Together with Cisco Threat Response”, at 10am PT/1am ET 2. Watch this overview video to learn more
Cheers, [Insert Name]
Reg Link: https://cisco.com/go/security-webinars
Objet : Faites-en plus avec vos ressources existantes Autre ligne objet possible : N’essayez pas de cloner votre équipe de sécurité
Ne serait-il pas pratique de pouvoir cloner votre équipe de sécurité? Vous pourriez détecter, analyser et corriger les menaces plus rapidement et rester à l’avant-garde des menaces!
Heureusement, vous n’avez pas besoin de le faire. Cisco Threat Response accélère les principales fonctions des opérations de sécurité : la détection, les analyses et la correction de vos produits de sécurité Cisco en un seul lieu, ce qui vous permet de tirer le meilleur parti de vos ressources de sécurité, sans cloner votre équipe. Et la meilleure partie : la solution Threat Response est gratuite. Elle fait partie des produits de sécurité Cisco qui s’intègrent avec elle : Umbrella, AMP for Endpoints, la sécurité de la messagerie, Threat Grid et maintenant, Firepower. Vous pouvez tirer le meilleur parti de vos investissements Cisco en matière de sécurité lorsque les produits fonctionnent ensemble pour vous faire gagner du temps en vous épargnant des efforts.
Appel à l’action
1. Inscrivez-vous au webinaire du 10 octobre, « Les solutions de sécurité Cisco : bien meilleures avec Cisco Threat Response », à 10 h (heure du Pacifique) ou 1 h (heure de l’est)
2. Regardez cette vidéo de présentation pour en savoir plus
[insérer le nom]