Industry: Financial Services Region: EMEA Collaboration Technology: Unified Communications
A global leader in consumer and business credit reporting wanted deploy a Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise (PCCE) solution and move its IPPBX to its centralized data center. However, the Cisco Customer Experience team wanted the company evaluate its existing network beforehand to ensure it could properly handle the new capacity requirements. Reluctantly, the customer agreed, but its executives noted that:
The customer expected the Cisco Customer Experience team to run the network readiness assessment and:
The Cisco Customer Experience team began its assessment by first understanding the customer’s business requirements and capturing information related to key sites. After some initial digging, the team identified eight sites and two data centers, all spread across different geographic locations.
Cisco then installed its proprietary software at the first data center to begin the network audit and simultaneously set up a network probe at each of the different eight sites to simulate real-time RTP traffic.
The software's purpose was to generate synthetic traffic and monitor the key parameters (i.e. jitter, delay, packet loss, etc.), which helped the team understand what the challenges or outcomes might be for production traffic.
The assessment identified that the IP routing between the key sites was not configured properly and convergence time was too high so that it caused network packet drops. It also helped to identify that:
Quality of service (QoS) was deployed 7-8 years prior and never revisited for real-time applications (voice and video)
Network load-balancing had issues
Bandwidth was not configured properly to handle the amount of traffic to be deployed
Multiple devices were found running end-of-sale software and only a few of those were identified as end of life announced by Cisco.
Value proposition:
The assessment uncovered gaps in the customer's hardware and software lifecycle process for Cisco devices. It also:
Although the customer was initially hesitant on investing extra money into an assessment, it found that its network would have likely crashed with the new deployment if it had ignored Cisco's recommendation. This would have cost millions and would have required an all-hands-on-deck effort to fix the problem.
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