When to use? Let employees know what the new Cisco Jabber experience is, why you decided to move to that new version, when it will be available for everyone to use. ‘What’s in it for me’ for end users.
Best practices Your email should have the following sections:
1 What should the subject line be? Come up with a snappy title that will make your colleagues open your email.
2 What is changing in Cisco Jabber? Explain what is new in Jabber and the reason why you have chosen to upgrade to the new version. Be clear on how the new features in Jabber will mprove the way they work today.
3 Why? Talk about the business goals and strategies you have, and why enabling employees with improved and more agile messaging options will help you achieve them.
4 How? Let users know what they can expect over the next few weeks and actions they need to take.
Who should send this? A recognized figure in the organization, ideally a senior member of staff or someone who is widely respected.
5 Who should sign off? If an executive is sending the email, you may want to have their assistant or executive communications team review first.
What should the reply address be? Most executives don’t have time to reply to questions and comments coming back from employees. Depending on your software, try and configure the email to have a different reply address, ideally a mailer that many people can monitor and respond to. That way the project manager and/or IT service owners can keep track and respond appropriately.
Test before sending Send this email to yourself and a few colleagues to get feedback on how they think it will land with people. Check that all the hyperlinks work.
How to use the email template Simply copy and paste the email example shown on the page, customize it appropriately for your organization. If you want to, download the email banner image and insert it into the top to add that extra bit of shine. If it doesn’t fit with your brand feel free to create your own.
Download email banner image
When to use? This email is used to announce to employees that the new version of Jabber is available for them now. Include detailed instructions on what is new and where to get support. Use links to online guidance rather than writing details in an email. That way, if something changes, you can quickly edit your content online, rather than send another email.
Best practices Your email should have the following sections: 1 Subject line Create a short impactful sentence that grabs attention.
2 Warm welcome A friendly opening statement, announcing the new Jabber experience. 3 How to get started? Provide steps on how to log in. Attach a quick start guide, link to self-service content, and include information for training sessions.
4 How to get support? Provide clear instructions on who to contact to get training and technical support when and if they need it. 5 Who should send this? A best practice is to set up a shared inbox or distribution list with a clear identity and use it for all emails to employees e.g. Jabber_Support_ Team@yourcompany.com.
Test before sending Send this email to yourself and a few colleagues to get feedback on what they think. Double check all hyperlinks work.
How to use the email template Simply copy and paste the email example shown on the page, customize it appropriately for your organization. If you want to, download the email banner image and insert it to add that extra bit of shine. Or if it doesn’t fit with your brand feel free to create your own.
When to use? This email is used to remind employees who have not yet used the new Jabber experience, of its benefits and how other colleagues are already using it everyday. We recommend checking your company email policy first, and recommend sending reminders at one week, one month, three months and then six months.
Who do I send this to? It’s important you only send this email to people who have not used the new version of Jabber since you launched. If you’re unsure how to get this information, click here.
Your email should have these sections:
1 Subject line Create short, impactful sentence that captures the value of the new Jabber experience and grab attention. 2 What are Jabber new features? A summary of what the new features in Jabber are and their key benefits. No one likes to feel like they are missing out. A great way to drive interest is to let users know how many colleagues are already using the new Jabber experience.
3 How to get started? Share steps on how to log in, where to find the new options and links to self-service content, training sessions. 4 How to get support? Provide clear instructions on who to contact to get training and technical support e.g. Learning and Development team/site, IT contacts.
5 Who should send this? Set up a shared inbox or distribution list with a clear identity and use it for all operational emails to employees e.g. Jabber Support_Team@ yourcompany.com.
Test before sending Send this email to yourself and a few colleagues to get feedback on what they think. Check that all the hyperlinks work.
How to use the email template Simply copy and paste the email example shown on the page, customize it appropriately for your organization.
If you want to, download the email banner image and insert it to add that extra bit of shine. Or if it doesn’t fit with your brand feel free to create your own.
We’ve written 3 compelling use cases that show how the new Jabber experience can help you work more efficiently. Spread the word to your colleagues by printing, emailing, or posting them on your intranet.
Download this use case
Download this poster
Download this business card
Over the next two pages there are digital banners to help promote the new Jabber experience.
Download MPU
Download skyscraper
Download banner
Download this flyer