Proactive customer support
Customers don’t want to contact support. It’s usually time-consuming and frustrating. And, studies show the more effort customers need to put into resolving issues, the less likely they are to be repeat customers. In fact, many customers won’t even contact support when they encounter a problem. They jump right to leaving a negative review online, without even giving your team a chance to resolve the issue.
This is why many companies strive to be proactive. Proactive support is about identifying and resolving customer issues before they become problems.
However, most proactive support today isn’t really proactive. Self-service content and closing a feedback loop are often incorrectly categorized as proactive support because they address a customer’s question without them directly asking a support agent in the call center. Until recently, that’s the furthest ahead of a customer complaint that companies could get. That’s because it can be difficult to read customers' minds to anticipate their next question.
But when you start integrating data from the customer journey into a customer support strategy, it’s possible to predict when a customer will run into their next problem. And smart companies can get ahead of the issue before it becomes a problem (and avoid the resulting negative review).
Shipping is a key stage in any ecommerce customer journey. It’s also one of the most likely sources of frustration. But by integrating order details, the fulfilment platform and delivery details into the customer journey map, customer support can trigger interactions with customers before they even notice an issue. Notifying a customer that their order is delayed by a day (and attaching a 20 percent off coupon for their next order) delivers a much better experience to customers.
Proactive support can also help uncover hidden detractors by triggering brand interactions at just the right time. For example, a drop in mobile app usage might trigger an NPS survey to be sent. Providing opportunities for positive interactions in the customer journey will help to improve the overall customer experience.
Being truly proactive and predictive, requires an open ecosystem of APIs. With data siloed across an organization, it’s impossible to see the big picture. Companies need to be able to access valuable information in the same place to execute a proactive strategy.