If you want your people to use Webex every day, you need to lead by example. Run your next all hands in Webex Meetings or set up a project space in Webex – once you start your troops will follow.
Pro tip: Think Webex first - before your team hits the road ask, "could we do this in Webex?"
Webex is super reliable, but you need to test it in your environment. Before inviting your people onboard, make sure you've thought through how they will log in for the first time and take their first steps. Are you confident that they won't hit any bumps? You want the first experience to delight. Take the time to test from all angles - you won't regret it.
Pro tip: For the best audio experience for everyone, invest in quality headsets.
How will Webex add value to the way you work? Consider your people and work flows and decide how Webex will change things up. Then get with your people and help them see what's in it for them. Will it be saved time, less stress, or easier work?
Pro tip: Be patient, the game changer may be different for everyone. Keep listening and encouraging, you'll get there.
Take the time to tell everyone why you've chosen Webex and how it will power your plans for the business. Being crystal clear on why, what and when will help to involve everyone and get that all-important buy in.
Pro tip: One email won't cut it! Keep banging the drum.
Don't go it alone. Find your Webex champs and cheerleaders to help you spread the message, give hands-on help, and tell you how it's going. You'll get going faster with a good crew behind you.
Pro tip: Look for natural helpers who are excited by the change.
The launch kit includes an adoption checklist, email templates, a quick start guide and more.
Click here to download and get started.