Powerful customer experiences can build long-lasting, trusted, and personalized relationships with shoppers. This fits perfectly with the goal of today’s retailer becoming omnichannel business.
Crossing the boundaries of digital and physical retail environments, retailers are seeking new ways to reach customers while maximizing profitability and competitiveness.
Digital transformation is radically reshaping the way companies do this. It’s no longer an option for retailers to digitally transform - it’s a survival imperative.
How do you provide the right information at the right time in the right place in the shopper's journey?
In this e-book, you'll see how you can transform your strategy for next-generation retail.
Digital transformation is happening in the Middle East today in every industry. Research from the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation, an IMD and Cisco initiative, shows that 40% of the top industry incumbents will be displaced within five years.
The dawn of the digital economy is poised to radically reshape the way companies do business.
To succeed in this new economy, retailers must create a unified strategy, across every channel, to develop and optimize compelling digital transformation experiences. And because emerging trends are also driving many internal changes — including workforce productivity and store operations — successful digital transformation must include strategic investments in agile, dynamic technologies that extend across every area of the business.
As the line between physical and digital interactions becomes increasingly blurred, expectations continue to grow. Your ultimate success or failure hinges on making the customer the central focus of every aspect of your business.
The retail environment changes as you read. We see that shopping centers are trying to develop a lasting experience with their customers, not through their shopping, but by transforming malls into entertainment centers where the shopping experience revolves around it.
Retailers who have already embraced a digital platform in their businesses will be able to reduce risks and react quickly to market dynamics and maintain steady growth through a digital economy.
Some of the essential attributes of customer experience in today’s digital world include:
A unique customer-centric approach can differentiate your retail experience in light of the new competition, including:
Dynamic changes in retail led by digitization also creates more opportunities for the cybercriminals. Retail is a major target for breaches. Customers will reconsider using a company if it fails to keep their data safe.
*A new business landscape in which traditional companies are moving towards subscription-based business models. **A decentralized model whereby two individuals interact to buy or sell goods and services without an intermediary